U.S. classifies record number of documents in 2004

Monday, September 5, 2005 OpenTheGovernment.Org, a coalition of conservative and liberal nonprofit groups, released a 2005 report (PDF, 12 pages) saying that all branches of the U.S. Federal Government are being significantly more secretive, and spending significantly more money on document secrecy. In 2004, federal officials classified 15.6 million new documents, which is 81 percent more than in 2001. Over the same period, the cost of classifying those new documents rose from $4.7 billion to $7.2 billion. These figures do not include documents classified by the CIA, as that agency’s…


Israeli gasoline supplier to Palestinians cuts supply

Friday, May 12, 2006 Israeli company Dor Energy, the sole supplier of gasoline and cooking gas to the Palestinian territories, cut off all deliveries on Wednesday, citing US$27 million in unpaid bills. Mujahed Salameh, director general of the Palestinian Petroleum Agency, predicted an “economic catastrophe” which would cripple factories and transportation as many people would be unable to work. He said that the Palestinian Authority does not maintain petroleum reserves and that gasoline supplies would run out in many areas by Thursday. The Associated Press reported long lines at gas…


Change Your Eye Color On A Whim With Colored Contact Lenses In Chicago

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Spell Clothing Australia Sale byAlma Abell It used to be true that the eye color you were born with would be all that people would see, but modern optics have changed all that. Today’s eyewear comes in a variety of colors to suit your particular style. With colored contact lenses in Chicago you can change your eye color to match your mood. Imagine dressing up for the evening and matching your eyes to the makeup or clothes you plan to wear. Of course,…

Al Sharpton speaks out on race, rights and what bothers him about his critics

Monday, December 3, 2007 At Thanksgiving dinner David Shankbone told his white middle class family that he was to interview Reverend Al Sharpton that Saturday. The announcement caused an impassioned discussion about the civil rights leader’s work, the problems facing the black community and whether Sharpton helps or hurts his cause. Opinion was divided. “He’s an opportunist.” “He only stirs things up.” “Why do I always see his face when there’s a problem?” Shankbone went to the National Action Network’s headquarters in Harlem with this Thanksgiving discussion to inform the…


Australian government provides $15.8 million for North Adelaide Technical College

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Australian Minister for Vocational Education and Training, Gary Hardgrave has announced the government will provide AU$15.8 million to establish an Australian Technical College in North Adelaide. The minister said the government was entering into a partnership with the Archdiocese of Adelaide and consortium of industrial and manufacturing companies. The North Adelaide college will be located in Elizabeth and be operated as an independent non-government school. The college is one of 25 to be established across the country. Enrolments at the college will begin in 2007 and…


Cell Phone Cash Is Genius The Cell Phone Cash Explanation

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Cash Recycling Machines When I first heard about this program, it did sound a little too good to be true but after taking a good look at what cell phone cash had to offer it was a no brainer. The idea of cashing in on cell phone use was an extremely genius idea. Mack Michaels, the creator of this program has tapped into a market that is virtually untouched and is now mentoring others how to do it too. With Mack Michaels as…

Swaziland to receive financial bailout from South Africa

Thursday, August 4, 2011 The small African nation of Swaziland will receive a financial bailout from neighbouring South Africa. The South African government agreed to a loan of 2.4 billion rand ($350 million) after several organisations including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) rejected King Mswati III’s request for a bailout. King Mswati III released a statement about the bailout saying, “We are thankful and also appreciate the assistance we have received from South Africa. This shows that they are good neighbours.” He added “But it must be stressed that this…


‘Jelly bellies’ memo costs Florida police chief his job

Thursday, November 2, 2006 Winter Haven, Florida police chief Paul Goward was tired of seeing fat hanging out over the belts of some of his officers. So he posted a memo to encourage the so-called ‘jelly bellies’ to get in shape. The memo, entitled ‘Are You A Jelly Belly?’ didn’t single anyone out, and, apart from the title, didn’t call anyone names. Goward, a former deputy police chief in Wichita, wrote “If you are unfit, do yourself and everyone else a favor. See a professional about a proper diet and…


Inventor Or Plumber A History Of Plumbing

Click Here For More Specific Information On: High Pressure Water Pumps For Sale Submitted by: Adriana Notton When people began living in larger communities and then cities, the need for water and waste management had to be addressed. Plumbing in settlements is thought to have originated in ancient times. Communal baths and latrines have been found and date back to around 2700 BCE. The job of a plumber was more of an inventor in these early times. The Romans engineered complex and innovative systems for bringing potable water to the…

Semi truck crashes into viaduct in Buffalo, New York

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Buffalo, New York —According to police in Buffalo, New York, no one was injured after a semi-trailer truck carrying paper from Ontario, Canada hit a railroad viaduct, tearing the truck in half. At approximately 11:00 p.m. EDT (UTC-4) on April 21, an unidentified man driving the truck westbound on Walden Avenue between Wasmuth and Roetzer streets hit the viaduct which tore his truck in half sending debris and cargo over most of the road. Police describe the truck’s cabin as a “can of sardines.” “He made…
