Certain Network Marketing Secrets Your Upline Won’t Share With You

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By Brian Garvin And Jeff West

Do you ever feel that the job you do selling Amway or Party Light or whatever direct marketing product you deal with could be a lot easier? Do you sometimes feel that your supervisor, the next person upline from you has been holding something back in the recruiting department? If youve answered yes to those two questions, then more than likely youre right. But dont despair.

There are network marketing secrets that can help you and your business flourish. The biggest thing you as the seller have to remember when you meet with your prospect is that they are the ones with the wants and needs, and how you approach them and draw them in makes all the difference in the world.

One of the first things you are going to have to do is find prospects that are as passionate as you are about the same things in life. This network marketing secret is probably something most people dont immediately think of. By sharing your passion with others, you are creating a bond and building a network.


These are the people that will want to help you succeed so that you can continue funding your passion and sharing it with them. For example, you enjoy skiing. By connecting with other skiers and sharing not only your business but your passion, you have built a network base that thrives on the same wants and likes. They see how well you are doing and they to want to learn how to be successful.

Another network marketing secret your supervisor probably didnt mention is that you need to be able to open your recruits up to what you are providing them. If they are a prospect who is interested in joining your business, show them what they can do with their part of the business and what it would be like working with you.

Feed their needs and then help them accomplish it. You want to be an ‘opener’, opening up the luxury or a new product or opening up the possibility of a good income. Be positive and remember a smile and a helping hand go a long way. Make sure you reassure them every step of the way and encourage them to use their own creativity to not only market the product, but also themselves.

When you begin to work with your prospects or recruits, start in their world. This is a network marketing secret that is seriously overlooked. Because so many people are new to this type of selling and promoting, they are going to need guidance. You simply cannot drag them kicking and screaming into your business world.

Find out what kind of challenges they are facing in their daily life. Find out what they will need to meet their challenges and excel beyond them. By listening and understanding, and even teaching, you can help them succeed.

Building your direct selling network is not rocket science and by engaging even one of theses network marketing secrets, you may find yourself with an edge not even you upline has. And, no matter who you recruit, share theses network marketing secrets with them. Dont leave them in the dark the way your upline may have left you.

About the Author: You can read our Unbiased, expert review of articles such as

Candle Wealth International

from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at


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