Wikinews Shorts: August 8, 2009

A compilation of brief news reports for Saturday, August 8, 2009. Contents 1 Leader of Pakistan Taliban may have been killed in drone attack 2 Hillary Clinton arrives in South Africa 3 Anniversary of Georgian War marked by mutual accusations 4 Police in the United Kingdom ordered to review policing of demonstrations 5 Son of missing Japanese actress Noriko Sakai found safe 6 Seven coalition troops killed within 24 hour period in Afghanistan 7 Hong Kong government to begin school drug testing trials in December 8 Nine killed in Belgium care…


Fight A Traffic Ticket In Court Free Info Inside!

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Litigation Lawyers Newcastle By John Oleander It is understandable that to fight a traffic ticket in court, you should come well-prepared because this task can be so taxing, not to mention the fact that this experience can be terrifying especially for people who are not used to this kind of circumstance. No matter how intimidating the prospect of coming to court for your traffic ticket may be, it is still worth a try, in order for you to have that ticket be thrown-out…

Rosemary Cousin, Greens candidate in South Gippsland, Australia, speaks to Wikinews about democracy, transport, forests and other local issues

Sunday, October 3, 2021 Nominations were declared on September 21 for South Gippsland Shire’s upcoming council elections, to be held by post from October 5-22. A total of 24 people in the Australian council’s three wards have put themselves forward to stand as candidates. The shire has been governed by administrators appointed by the Victorian state government since August 2019, when the council was sacked after a state government inquiry found “high levels of tension” within the council. Wikinews interviewed one of the candidates standing in this election, Rosemary Cousin,…
