‘Jelly bellies’ memo costs Florida police chief his job

Thursday, November 2, 2006 Winter Haven, Florida police chief Paul Goward was tired of seeing fat hanging out over the belts of some of his officers. So he posted a memo to encourage the so-called ‘jelly bellies’ to get in shape. The memo, entitled ‘Are You A Jelly Belly?’ didn’t single anyone out, and, apart from the title, didn’t call anyone names. Goward, a former deputy police chief in Wichita, wrote “If you are unfit, do yourself and everyone else a favor. See a professional about a proper diet and…


Inventor Or Plumber A History Of Plumbing

Click Here For More Specific Information On: High Pressure Water Pumps For Sale Submitted by: Adriana Notton When people began living in larger communities and then cities, the need for water and waste management had to be addressed. Plumbing in settlements is thought to have originated in ancient times. Communal baths and latrines have been found and date back to around 2700 BCE. The job of a plumber was more of an inventor in these early times. The Romans engineered complex and innovative systems for bringing potable water to the…